For anyone playing the older SRW, the inability to skip battle animations will be a huge turn-off. Hearing the character speak "Nantoo" or "Ataree" for the 50th isn't good for your health. A stage that would take 10 minutes maximum, now takes 2 hours because of animations.
Anyway, without further ado. Use these codes to skip battle animations. Be sure to read the paragraphs below the codes too.
Super Robot Wars F/FF
3019BAF4 0040
Super Robot Wars Complete Box (works on all 3 games)
3019BA60 0040
Super Robot Wars 4S (V1.0)
301046F6 0040
Super Robot Wars 4S (V1.1)
30104812 0040
Shin Super Robot Wars (version 1)
300FED60 0040
Shin Super Robot Wars (version 2)
300FC69C 0040
Note about Shin Super Robot Wars: the game has two versions, but I don't recall if one's a Greatest Hits version or not. Either way, if one code doesn't work, use the other. Also, DO NOT USE MAP ATTACKS with the code on. It'll hang the game. This warning is only for Shin Super Robot Wars. It's ok to use MAP attacks in the other games.
Now, for the explanations. Those codes work is like this: they're actually Debug Mode codes, and the last two digits represent which of the debug functions you would like to turn on. 00 turns Debug Mode off, and FF turns all debug functions on. If you just want to skip animations, then enter 40 as the last two digits.
One warning: those codes are actually saved together with your save game (if you save after entering the code), so you don't need to enter them everytime you play. Just save once with the code on and it'll stay for the rest of the game. Another thing: there's no onscreen indicator of damage dealt/received, like in SRW Alpha. You'll have to look at your/the enemy's status to see how much damage was done. Only 4S shows some sort of damage indication.
If you want to play around with debug mode, those are the codes I've found. Some of them change between games, but 00, 08, 40 and 48 are the same across all games.
00 - turn all debug functions off
04, 05 or 06 - no one loses health. If there was a battle scene and a unit was destroyed, the unit returns when the game comes back to the map.
08 - you can control your enemies (just click them), and also both groups have infinite moves.
40 - Skip animations
48 - Infinite Movements per turn AND Skip animations
60 - Coordinates (X,Y) appear when you call the menu.
80/90 - End stage (move once and stage ends)
FF - All debug functions on. Depends on the game. On 4S, the only debug functions available are pressing START + one of the shoulder buttons. It just shows a bunch of debug stuff. On the newer games, I think it's SELECT + shoulder button. It brings up a menu to test a ton of stuff, although some of the options don't work or freeze the game.
If you saved with any of those codes and want the game to go back to "normal", enter 00 as the last 2 digits and save your game.
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